Tikka Boti

Oct 17, 2009
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  • ½ kg cubes of beef
  • 2 tbs. raw papaya (grinded)
  • ½ tsp. ginger paste
  • ½ tsp. garlic paste
  • ½ tsp. salt (according to taste)
  • 2 tbs. yogurt
  • 1 tsp red chili powder
  • 1 tbs. chopped green chilies


  1. Combine all the spices, yogurt and papaya and coat the beef cubes with it. Marinate for 5-6 hours preferably overnight.
  2. Grill/barbeque over charcoal.
  3. Serve with Mint (Podina) chutney, yogurt and onion rings and Naan.

Enjoy the Tikka Boti with chutney and raita and celebrate life

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