Chocolate Chips Square, Cheesy Onion Fingers, Chana Bondi Chat by Shireen Anwer

Jul 26, 2011
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Recipe of Chocolate Chips Square, Cheesy Onion Fingers, Chana Bondi Chat by Shireen Anwer in Masala Mornings on Masala Tv

Comments (8)
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  • Yeah it's not working today. I tried many times. It was fine yesterday.

    By: shahnaz farhat on Jul 28, 2011
  • i tried watching the shows but it wassnt working

    By: saima77 on Jul 28, 2011
  • I have to thank you too nasacool. It is a indeed a very good site and I have been watching it ever since I read you post. Although I have Masala and few other pak channels on cable but seldom get any chance to watch them because my son who is two and half watch his shows on PBS kids and Treehouse twenty four seven. Now he is watching his shows on tv and I am watching mine on my laptop thanx to you.

    By: shahnaz farhat on Jul 27, 2011
  • It's good to know that u check the website I saw masala mornings last night live11.30p.m.California which she made gol happy,dahi batata puri. I tried shireen anwar pizza pocket turns out good.

    By: nasacool on Jul 27, 2011
  • nasacool thanx. I chked the website around 10.30 am ESt and zakirs show was going on. I guess I will have to find out the repeat timings for ridas shows as 3.30 pm in karachi is early moring on the east coast. Did u try any new dish lately? i gave the feedback for zubeda tariqs imli chicken. seemi

    By: seemva on Jul 27, 2011
  • this is for shireen anwar and rida

    By: nasacool on Jul 26, 2011
  • plzz upload all the other episodes

    By: umamah on Jul 26, 2011
  • thnks for recepie..plz upload all remaining episodes...

    By: mairam on Jul 26, 2011