
Lemon in Urdu: لیموں

Lemon in Roman Urdu: leemun

Is it the squeezing of lemon that blinks your eye? Well, if you don't find this true then the other thing that all of us had experienced is the watery fluid that fills our mouth when we cut or press a lemon. A yellow ball like fruit whose zest and pulp are used for baking and cooking has a number of benefits. It was founded in the Himalayas in North East India. Mature lemon turns yellow which were first green in color. Lemonade is the most frequently used refreshing drink that is used for many purposes such as to avoid thirst, feel fresh, avoid heat, clear stomach and is taken after meals to prevent gastric problems. Some lemons are stored with sprinkling salt on it and keeping it in a jar for having it fresh any time.

Health and Nutritional benefits:

  • It has the power of Vitamin C which makes us healthy.
  • In 100 grams there are just 29 calories so it's a very healthy fruit with the lowest calories.
  • Contains good amount of dietary fiber with no elements of cholesterol or fats in it.
  • Helps eliminate stones in kidney.
  • Makes your skin soft and shiny.
  • Controls blood pressure and heart rate as it contains high amounts of calcium, iron, copper and potassium.
  • They contain many anti oxidant properties.
Many people use lemon for medical purposes and many dermatologist recommend lemon mask if you have any skin problem. Having green or yellow lemon proves that it is fresh, but if it has brown dots or patches don't use them as they are ripped.