5 Side Effects of Using Hair Straighteners

Straight hair has been particularly trendy over the last decade or so. Many women choose to use straighteners to get rid of the uneven waves and fizz which can ruin their look. Besides, straight hair is much easier to care for and to keep in good condition compared to curly hair.

But how can you be sure that the straightener which you use is safe? Check out the most common side effects associated with the use of these products.

hair straightener side effects

1. Dry and Brittle Hair

This is the direct effect of applying heat to the hairs. Whether you use a powerful straightening blow dryer or a flat iron to get the desired result, you will have to put up with dryness.

Your hair can eventually lose its natural gloss and volume if you aren’t careful.

Make sure that you hydrate and nourish the scalp well with specially designed products or with the use of essential oil treatments which you can prepare at home. Try to apply heat to your hair less frequently.

2. Hair Color Dullness

This is another major side effect of heat application. Heat deprives the hair of its natural oils and can even damage the protein fibers inside. You will see your natural hair color getting dull.

It may even fade. Some women may even experience premature hair greying. Keep in mind that your hair suffers great attacks from the natural environment so you should at least protect it from the factors which you can control.

3. Irritation and Itching

This is a common side effect associated with the use of chemical straighteners traditionally applied by hairstylists. Generally, these are too potent to be available for home use.

The products in the latter category are less powerful and therefore less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

Another thing to note is that an experienced hairstylist will be extra careful not to apply straightener near the hair roots and the scalp. Still, even if a tiny drop of the product gets into contact with your skin, it can cause itching and irritation.

Immediate rinsing will be the best thing to do in a situation like this.

4. Eye Swelling

This side effect is associated with a more severe allergic reaction. You can also experience pain in the eyes in addition to swelling. If rinsing your scalp and splashing your face with cool water don’t help, you should see your doctor. She will be able to prescribe appropriate medication for effective treatment.

5. Inflamed Scalp

This side effect is also typically triggered by chemicals found in hair straighteners for professional use. The inflammation can cover the whole scalp or part of it.

It will usually not affect hair growth, but you must get rid of the product which has caused it immediately. If the symptoms don’t subside quickly, you should get medical attention.

In general, the best way to find out of a chemical product is safe to apply to your hair is to test using a small amount on a small section it in advance. Do it at least two days before the actual treatment to ensure that the risk of side effects will be minimal.