Moong Dal Curry

Oct 11, 2009
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  • Moong Daal: 250 grams
  • Onions: 4 medium-sized pieces
  • Green & Red Chilies: 5 medium-sized pieces each
  • Coriander Seeds: 2 table spoon
  • Coriander Leaves: 1/2 bunch
  • Coconut Powder: 1 cup
  • Oil and Salt: As per need


  • Place moong daal in water for about 6 hours.
  • Grind the soaked daal to a fine paste.
  • Add delicately sliced onions and green chilies with salt & coriander seeds to the paste.
  • Cook the paste (with covered lid).
  • While it is being cooked, fry sliced onions & red chilies with coconut powder & coriander seeds.
  • Add water and salt to the fried paste in oil to make gravy.
  • Once the gravy is prepared. Add daal paste and cook on low flame.
  • Your delicious moong daal is ready.
  • Use coriander leaves for garnishing.

Delicious Moong Daal Curry

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